Town Council Agenda for May 6, 2020
Pulaski Town Council has a regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. this Wednesday, May 6th. The Municipal Building remains closed to the public, and Council Chambers continue to be arranged in a way to follow social distancing guidelines. Members of the public are encouraged to attend via our Facebook Live stream which will begin at the session's opening.
You can view the full agenda and agenda packet by clicking here. Citizens may send in comments to [emailprotected], and any public comments received prior to the meeting will be submitted to Town Council.
Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 - 7:00 P.M. Legislative Session - Council Chambers 1. Call to Order - Mayor Clark 2. Pledge of Allegiance - Councilman Dawson 3. Invocation - Councilman East 4. Roll Call of Council 5. Modify Agenda if Necessary 6. Guests and Visitors
Recognize Audience Present 7. Presentations 8. Public Hearings
a. Budget Amendment for FY 2019-2020
b. Proposed Water Utility Service Rates
c. Proposed Residential Garbage Rates
d. Proposed Budget for FY 2020-2021 9. Public Comment Period (The Town Council welcomes your input. You may address the Council by completing a speaker's slip available at the door and giving it to the Clerk of Council prior to the meeting. At this time, you may address the Council on items that are not on the agenda or items on the Consent Agenda. Time limit is five (5) minutes.) 10. Consent Agenda (The Consent Agenda is approved on one motion. Council Members may pull consent items to be considered after
business items.) a. Consideration of April 7, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes
b. Consideration of April 21, 2020 Council Budget Work Session Minutes 11. Project Update
a. Project Summary Update 12. Old Business
a. Resolution 2020-11, Authorizing Issuance of a General Obligation Bond
b. Performance Agreement - Project Cow 13. New Business
a. Resolution 2020-12, Amending the FY 2019-2020 Budget
b. Report on April 12th/13th Flooding Event 14. Closed Session
a.Under Virginia Code 2.2-3711(a) 1 (1 item) Personnel matter Review of Board/Committee Appointments; Virginia Code 2.2-3711 (a) 3 (1 item) Disposition/acquisition of property-MonteVista Extension Right-of-Way 15. Reminder of Future Council Meetings
a. June 2, 2020 - Council Meeting - 7:00 P.M.