The Secret to the Senior Center's Success
Just about every town or county has a senior center; not only is it required, it's also common sense to provide a space for older generations to gather and spend time together. The Town of Pulaski is no different. Our Senior Center, located on 106 North Washington Avenue, is a home away from home for many of the older folks who reside in and around our Town. But one thing separates the Pulaski Senior Center from others; the employees.
Senior Center Director Amy Hopkins is still somewhat new to the job herself. Hired late last year, she was brought in to relieve the former retiring director, Barbara Tate. Since Amy has been brought on board, things are continuing to truck along at the senior center. In fact, attendance has steadily increased for events held throughout the month. Senior Center Assistant Leslie Parmelee is even newer to the Senior Center, being hired around a month ago. Don't let that short tenure fool you though; Mrs. Parmelee was an exact fit for the position. From the beginning, the relationship between the two was as good as it gets. Ms. Hopkins had this to say about their interview: "From the start of the interview I thought to myself, "Oh my God, I'm interviewing myself right now."" Since that first week together, things have only gone from a good relationship between them to a great one.
Amy and Leslie have been stellar when it comes to scheduling a variety of events for the seniors of Pulaski to enjoy. And it truly is a huge variety; from dinner theatres and bingo to arts and crafts and breakfast at great locations around the New River Valley, seniors have had no shortage of fun and interesting things to enjoy. In particular, the berry picking event in June at a farm in Blacksburg looks like a ton of fun (I may just have to invite myself to tag along on this one). They always try to ensure that events and the venues they take place at are accommodating to senior citizens and are something that everyone can take part in, no matter their degree of mobility.
When asked what their favorite part of the job is, both replied almost in unison; the people. Amy had this to say about the seniors: "Listening to their stories, laughing with them, just hanging out. It's the best." If you asked any of the regular Senior Center attendees, they would all say the same thing.
Amy and Leslie may have a lot of fun hanging out with the seniors, but they take their job very seriously. They understand that the Senior Center is an outlet for people who may not get the chance to socialize with their peers very often, and they do their best to make that experience as easy and relaxing as possible. With them leading the Senior Center for the foreseeable future, the Town of Pulaski's seniors are in good hands.