Town Accepting Applications to Fill a Vacancies on the Planning Commission and Pulaski Redevelopment Housing Authority
The Town of Pulaski is seeking qualified residents to serve on the Town's Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission oversees development in the Town according to the Zoning Regulations and the Comprehensive Plan. Its prime function is to review and make recommendations to the Town Council on applications for zoning requests from citizens and to review and amend the Zoning Regulations and the Comprehensive Plan. Commission members are appointed by the Town Council for four (4) year terms.
The Pulaski Redevelopment and Housing Authority is responsible for assisting with residential and commercial development of new and existing structures, improving the quality of residential and commercial areas, and increasing the town's overall tax base. Authority members are appointed by the Town Council for four (4) year terms.
If you are interested in applying for these positions, please contact Olivia C. Hale, Clerk of Council for a volunteer application form at 540-994-8602, by email at [emailprotected] or online at Application forms may be returned either electronically or to the following mailing address:
Town of Pulaski, Virginia
Attn: Clerk of Council
P.O. Box 660
Pulaski, Virginia 24301