Paint Bank Restaurant Entertains Senior Center
Looking for some good Southern cooking? If you've grown tired of Cracker Barrel, we suggest you try the Swinging Bridge Restaurant in Paint Bank, Virginia. Last Friday the Senior Center made the trip there, and judging from their reactions it was most definitely worth it.
The seniors often look forward to this trip above many others throughout the year. For the last few years, Paint Bank has been the most requested outing among them, and for good reason. The Swinging Bridge Restaurant is one of the hottest destinations in Craig County. A quaint Southwest Virginia village, Paint Bank doesn't ham things up at all; they're as authentic as Southwest Virginia communities come.
The next time the seniors make their way there, we might just have to tag along. We've heard that the food was amazing, the service exceptional and the atmosphere as warm and inviting as you would expect from a down-home country restaurant in Virginia! If you'd like to make your own reservations at the Swinging Bridge Restaurant, you can call ahead at 540-897-5099.