New Officers to Join Pulaski Police Department
Police officers are an integral part of communities all across America, perhaps even more-so in small towns like the Town of Pulaski. And while police departments tend to stay on the small side, the Pulaski Police Department is always on the lookout for promising recruits.
On Friday of last week, two of those promising recruits were sworn in by our Mayor, Dave Clark. Bradley Baker and Luke Wilson both made pledges at the Town of Pulaski's own Town Hall, swearing to uphold our laws and to ensure the safety and prosperity of our community. Both Baker and Wilson will soon finish their time at the police academy, after which they will become fully fledged police officers, being assigned to a patrol unit with the Pulaski Police Department.
The Town of Pulaski would like to wish Mr. Baker and Mr. Wilson the best of luck in their new line of work. When the Pulaski Police Department succeeds, everyone succeeds.