A Message from the Town Manager, Todd Day

A Message from the Town Manager, Todd Day

February 1st 2024 was the start of a new opportunity for me not only as Town Manager in Pulaski, but also as an opportunity to call Pulaski my final home. It’s been an amazing 6 months or so and I’m looking forward to continuing what others started by making the Town of Pulaski a better place to be. I have worked with staff on a multitude of projects and have also worked through the complications that were brought on as a result of most all my key staff being new to operations and positions in local government. While my staff and I have been successful in only a few short months to have been awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants, we are also being forced to address a very serious issue in the Town of Pulaski with respect to crimes.

I’ve received an overwhelming amount of complaints from businesses and citizens about the criminal activity in the Town of Pulaski. This criminal activity has caused businesses to either shut down or seek other localities to call home, and families to move away. I am very excited to say that Chief Shumate of the Town of Pulaski Police Department and his officers, along with myself, have been working diligently with various law enforcement agencies to seek guidance on how to better address the crimes we are seeing. We are ramping up law enforcement in all areas of public safety, specifically crimes caused by violators of Vandalism, Trespassing, Breaking and Entering, and Loitering. There will be future planned amendments to the existing budget in order to supply law enforcement with the manpower if needed, tools and any necessary training. In the days to come I will continue to post updates and instructions for businesses and citizens that need help in the above-mentioned areas and steps to take to help aid our police department in assisting. I look forward to being a part of this team and helping to make Pulaski a better place to be. Stay tuned for additional plans.

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